DPF Filters / Cleaning

Cleaning DPF’s

Our Bolingbrook Fleet Service Inc. mechanics usually takes about 60 to 90 minutes to remove the DPF, set it on a machine, clean it for about a half hour, then reinstall the filter on the truck. If baking is required, it may take additional time in the machine.

Another alternative is for the truck owner to remove the DPF and bringing it to Bolingbrook Fleet Services, or perhaps bring in a batch DPF to our servicing shop. This alternative allows for the truck owner to get back his DPFs, even if he moves them among like-spec’d vehicles in their fleet. This requires a stock of new or cleaned DPFs to install when loaded up units are removed. This alternative is an advantage as it allows for low downtimes for individual vehicles.

However, the advantage of bringing your truck into Bolingbrook Fleet Service Inc to clean your trucks DPF filter is that the original DPF stays with the truck, which might add to resale value because its owner can show complete servicing records.

Either way you can trust Bolingbrook Fleet Services, Inc. to be of assistance in getting your Diesel Particulate Filters ready for your fleet vehicles.  Truck owners in the surrounding communities of Naperville, Aurora, Joliet, Plainfield, Romeoville, Lemont, Woodridge, Lockport and its surrounding areas have trusted Bolingbrook Fleet Services Inc. to get them back on the road making money.   

Contact Information
650 E. 107th Ste #160,
Bolingbrook, IL 60440
Open Hours

Mon – Fri : 7:00 am – 5:00 pm

Sat : 7:00 am – 1:00 pm

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